About Me
As a self-employed creative, I’m making a living creating and doing work I truly love. And as a certified coach, I’m helping award-winning filmmakers, best-selling authors, and other self-employed creatives to do the same.
Twelve years ago, I wouldn’t have thought it was possible. In 2007, I was divorced, in debt, and stuck in a soul-sucking job. I felt alone and out of place. Once I realized that I was hiding as a way of avoiding rejection, I decided to start speaking my truth, consequences be damned. After all, how could my life possibly get any worse? So, even though I was scared, I began pursuing my life-long dream of becoming a self-employed creative and I’m so glad I did.
My life isn’t perfect. I still struggle with fear, but I no longer let it define my story. That’s why I do the work I do… because I don’t want anyone to give up on their dreams.