It’s that time of the month…you know, the one with all the red coloration?
That’s right. Valentine’s Day is just around the corner.
And, with a major Hallmark moment less than two days away, that means it’s GIVEAWAY TIME! Several writers of the funny have banded together to give away more awesome reads.
Creative uses of giveaway material this week:
- Buy a bottle of wine, a bar of chocolate, and tuck yourself in for a night of “light” entertainment..!
- Send your FREE eBook to a loved one, and tell them you bought it just for them. Shh, it’s our secret.
- Protest Hallmark Holidays by supporting indie authors. Blow the day off, read a book, tell your loved ones that you forgot. Or, even better, “I love you 365 days a year. Now, bugger off so I can finish reading this hilarious story!”
See what’s funny and free this week!
I have a new story available in stores. It’s all about the trials and tribulations of New Age Parenting. It’s gritty and sometimes abhorrent. If you’ve ever spent time studying parenting books and worrying if you’re traumatizing your child, or otherwise NOT doing enough, you’ll “get it” when you read this story!

Available on Amazon, Kobo, and other retailers
“We always vowed that we’d never be that family. The one with the five year-old child suckling at the mom’s boobs out in public. But, with two years to go, our little monster has vowed that she’ll never give them up.”
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