
I’m really enjoying a book I picked up at the library recently, titled CREATIVE QUEST by Ahmir “Questlove” Thompson.


He offers enlightening anecdotes and explores some great questions. I thought I’d share some that might be pertinent to you if you are an aspiring creative.

“The issue isn’t whether people can tell that you’re creative…The issue is whether you can connect to your own creative impulses.”

“What is the spark? It’s the beginning of any creative act. You can’t start a fire without it.”

“How do you have an idea? How do you notice it forming it within your mind? And how can you make your mind the kind of mind that is friendly to ideas?”



My two cents

The gift of creativity isn’t exclusive to those lucky enough to do creative things for a living. It’s available to as a skill to anyone who is willing to learn how to turn off their inner critic, and then show up on the page, or canvas—or whatever your creative medium might be.

So, my question to YOU is:

Do you WANT to be creative? What’s stopping you?

Is this topic of interest to you? Are you looking for creative inspiration and/or help to get past your inner roadblocks? Why not FOLLOW along or contact me to get the conversation started?