Get Over Yourself with Shayne Silvers
Shayne Silvers has some accessible insights that just might just help someone like you and me take our writing careers to the next level.

Magic in the Desert with Maram Taibah
Maram Taibah’s day job is screenwriting. To cope with the sometimes-desert that is adulting, she finds herself returning to her first love, writing children’s fantasy.

Writing as an Anchor with Alexis D Craig
Alexis D Craig is a lifelong reader and storyteller, but it wasn’t until she developed anxiety over ongoing health challenges that she turned to writing as an anchor.

From Poet to Storyteller with Rebecca Balcárcel
Learn how Rebecca Balcárcel overcame years of rejection and limiting self-beliefs around writing to become an acclaimed poet and storyteller.

Midlife Author with Shai August
At age 40, Shai August took stock of her life and realized two things: (1) She wanted to give more back to the world, and (2) She wanted to honor her unfulfilled childhood dream of writing stories.