From Diplomat to Author Rebel with Tikiri Herath
After years of public service, managing national and international programs for Canada and NATO, TIKIRI HERATH now makes a full-time living writing and speaking with a fearless voice as an author and public speaker.

Trust in Your Future Self with Jessica Brody
Jessica Brody is the author of Save The Cat! Writes A Novel, a follow-up to the bestselling screenwriting guide by Blake Snyder.

Imperfect Take – Our Story Connects Us
Behind every successful business and relationship are people who see the best parts of themselves in YOU and your journey. If you’re not telling your story—if you’re hiding the part parts of yourself—chances are you’re having to work so much harder to build the connections you need to succeed and thrive.

Know When You’re Ready with Ingrid Seymour
A little over a year ago, Ingrid Seymour made the leap to full-time author. She has a habit of listening to her heart and turning her daydreams into reality, so I wanted to know more about what makes Ingrid tick.

Getting the Details Right with Patrick J. O’Donnell
As a technical consultant for crime and police procedure, PATRICK J. O’DONNELL is passionate about helping storytellers write more authentic—and accurate—crime stories.