Simple Isn’t Always Easy with Professor Marilyn Horowitz
Marilyn struggled for years to give herself the time and space to start and complete her own creative passion projects. As she told me in this interview, the fix was so simple. But simple isn’t always easy.

Strive to Get Better with Craig Martelle
Craig Martelle is the driving force behind the 20Booksto50K movement, which is transforming the independent author community. He is a top-100 ranking author on the Amazon Science Fiction charts, with over 360,000 sales in the past three-plus years.

Find Your Resolve to Write with Ira Heinichen
IRA HEINICHEN is the author of the excellent Sci-Fi Adventure, Starstuff, as well as a Certified Story Grid Editor who has trained under publishing legend Shawn Coyne. He's also the host of two entertaining podcasts, including FILM SCHOOL and TWO GUYS ONE TREK. In...

All In This Together with Kate Tucker
KATE TUCKER is a singer/songwriter, producer, and filmmaker, living in Nashville, Tennessee. In chatting with Kate, I learned that she is a thoughtful, passionate creative, focused not just on creating art, but also on becoming a better human-being.

The Right Readers with Jason Kasper
When I asked international-bestselling thriller author, JASON KASPER, to come on the show, I didn’t know a lot about him. But, there’s definitely a growing trail of evidence to suggest that he’s doing something right.